I’ll help your service business or professional practice move forward with less effort and fewer resources.

Goal: Turn your business or practice into a wealth-generating asset that truly fulfills you and makes our world a better place.

Results: More income, impact and focus. Less distraction and overwhelm.

Russell Riggs

Hi, I'm Russell Riggs.

Let me share a “truth bomb” you won’t hear discussed much these days…

Transforming your business is not about doing a hundred different things. It’s about focused effectiveness — finding one BIG thing and leveraging it. 

For example, one simple change in your business model, marketing system or sales process can prove to be a game changer.

I’ve learned this from experience and have become an expert at uncovering the “big thing”.

I’ve had the privilege of working with 500+ businesses – advising on marketing, sales and finance strategy.

And, I’ve “quietly” helped generate $300 million in new revenue and profit using streamlined marketing strategy and systems.

IMPORTANT: My overall mission goes beyond helping a business grow or make more money.

What’s most fulfilling for me is helping people succeed personally as they positively impact our World.

If you’d like to discuss your unique situation, please feel free to contact me.

What I Do


I'm an investor.

I invest (money and sweat equity) in income producing digital assets.

My investment focus:

  • Opportunities where I can add value using my digital marketing  expertise.
  • Business, self-help, personal growth, healing and spiritual categories.
  • I typically partner with experts/thought leaders, coaches, consultants, authors and info entrepreneurs.
  • Assets I invest in include e-Books, online courses, websites, membership programs, email lists and social media assets.

Contact me to learn more.


I'm an advisor.

I serve as a strategic business and digital marketing advisor.

My role is to work closely with you to come up with the best marketing strategies and tactics for your specific situation. I can also oversee and manage implementation as needed.

I choose to consult exclusively on strategy for three important reasons:

#1 I add more value working as an unbiased partner and advocate as opposed to an agency or supplier selling websites, social media or
other “solutions”.

#2 –
Strategy and implementation management is my strength — I enjoy it.

Business owners are overwhelmed and need it. Urgently.

My experience combined with a focus on profitability and efficiency helps me uncover high-impact opportunities to generate more profit from less work.

Some of what I bring to the table:

  • Deep, practical knowledge around digital marketing tactics and systems.
  • Experience working with hundreds of business models – I see what works and what doesn’t.
  • Access to my world-class Rolodex of digital marketing specialists to help support your team.
  • Professional advice on marketing tools and software.
  • Expert feedback on marketing assets and deliverables produced by your team or outside suppliers.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee:

Everything I do is designed to produce a return on your investment.

If we’re not a good fit or I can’t produce results, I don’t want your money. Period. 

Contact me to learn more.


I'm a publisher.

These days, I’m spending more time building the publishing side of my business.

This is a natural tie into my role as an investor (see above).

Creating and sharing valuable ideas with the world is my true calling.

Over the years, my life has transformed by the books I’ve read and the thought leaders I’ve worked with or studied under. Literally life-changing personally and professionally.

Nothing is more fulfilling for me than positively impacting someone’s life through works I’ve published.

Examples of publishing projects and platforms I’ll launch in the coming months:


Contact me to learn more.

My Mission...

“Let me help turn your business or practice into a wealth-generating asset that truly fulfills you and makes our world a better place.”

Russell Riggs Business

Contact Me

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